Wednesday, May 18, 2016

e-Comm Reflection

  • What did you learn?
I learned how to use the adobe suite, recognize good uses of graphic design, and be able to create my own digital art.
  • How did you learn it?
Mrs. Lofquist teaching style consists of following basic tutorials and just jumping into a project head first without any instruction. Google is your biggest friend in this class and there is almost always a forum somewhere that can help you when you get stuck.
  • Why is it important?
It is important to know how to learn on your own without any help because that is more like the real world. If you can take it upon yourself to learn the skills you can do well in graphic design, if not you might fall behind and be very confused about what is going on in the class.
  • What are your greatest strengths/what are your weaknesses?
The think I'm the best at in Photoshop and Illustrator are the technical skills. I really enjoy learning the ins and outs of these two programs because they are so advanced and have so many uses.
  • What are you going to do with what you have learned?
I will be able to make my own custom logos or whenever I need do make my own graphic I will be able to. I have to skills to make my own things instead of asking someone else to do it for me.
  • Is there anything you would change? Why?
If I was able to change something in e-Comm currently it would be the grading system. The way grading was changed this year seems like a step backwards for the program. Instead of having the regular point grading system it pretty much transitioned back into a system used by elementary schools. The current system is way to subjective and doesn't accurately grade all the students. A non letter point system might be more like the real world but it isn't the best fit for a high-school academic setting. The regular grading system isn't perfect but it gives a more accurate representation of what you should be getting in the class instead of choosing a letter grade at the end of a semester.

The lack of instruction in this class leads to a huge waist of time. Projects that can be completed easily in a couple class periods are instead giving weeks to do the same amount of work. I don't know how these can be changed other than giving stritcter dead lines and less having the class run itself.
  • Conclusion/Summary
I really did enjoy my time in e-Comm but it doesn't seem the right fit for me. I don't enjoy the teaching style very much and the grading system is the thing that pushed me over the edge.

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